All Registrations


Code Program Age Description Note Day Time Start Date End Date Weeks Avail Spots Member Price Non-Member Price Status


  • Ladies Doubles League 7:00 pm start

    Age: 18 to 99

  • Description: Ladies Doubles League 7:00 pm start
  • Note: Online registration for ladies doubles league starts April 15 2024 There are two available league start time slots: 7:00pm and 8:30pm. This registration is for the 7:00pm league. There are 24 spots available for the 7pm league. Once full, the Wait List for this 7pm league will automatically open and will serve as the official SUBS LIST. I.e. To be a sub for this 7pm league = add your name to Wait List.
  • Day and Time : Tue 7:00-8:30pm
  • Date : May. 21 to Aug. 27
  • Avail Spots: 0
  • Prices
    Member Price : $25.00,
    Non-Member Price: Members Only
  • Closed May 01, 2024

Ladies Doubles League 7:00 pm start

18 to 99

Ladies Doubles League 7:00 pm start

Online registration for ladies doubles league starts April 15 2024 There are two available league start time slots: 7:00pm and 8:30pm. This registration is for the 7:00pm league. There are 24 spots available for the 7pm league. Once full, the Wait List for this 7pm league will automatically open and will serve as the official SUBS LIST. I.e. To be a sub for this 7pm league = add your name to Wait List.



May. 21

Aug. 27



Members Only

Closed May 01, 2024


  • Ladies Doubles League 8:30 pm start

    Age: 18 to 99

  • Description: Ladies Doubles League 8:30 pm start
  • Note: Online registration for ladies doubles league starts April 15 2024 There are two available start time slots: 7:00pm and 8:30pm. This registration is for the 8:30pm league. There are 16 spots available for the 8:30pm league. Once full, the Wait List for this 8:30pm league will automatically open and will serve as the official SUBS LIST. I.e. To be a sub for this 8:30pm league = add your name to Wait List.
  • Day and Time : Tue 8:30-10:00pm
  • Date : May. 21 to Aug. 27
  • Avail Spots: 0
  • Prices
    Member Price : $25.00,
    Non-Member Price: Members Only
  • Closed May 01, 2024

Ladies Doubles League 8:30 pm start

18 to 99

Ladies Doubles League 8:30 pm start

Online registration for ladies doubles league starts April 15 2024 There are two available start time slots: 7:00pm and 8:30pm. This registration is for the 8:30pm league. There are 16 spots available for the 8:30pm league. Once full, the Wait List for this 8:30pm league will automatically open and will serve as the official SUBS LIST. I.e. To be a sub for this 8:30pm league = add your name to Wait List.



May. 21

Aug. 27



Members Only

Closed May 01, 2024